In the Brawl Stars arena, a battle broke out in crystal capture mode. The fighters of the two teams were absolutely equal in strength. But one team still managed to come forward. Before the countdown, it remains for the team to collect one crystal. But suddenly the glow from the mine went out and this made the teams distract from the battle. All the fighters looked to the center and waited for the crystal, which did not appear in any way. The teams were at a loss and did not understand what the matter was all the same. Therefore, they asked Dynamike and Carl to go down to the cave and find out what had happened. They immediately went down to the mine and saw that not a single crystal was left there. Due to the constant battles in the capture mode of crystals, there are no reserves of precious stones. The organizers wanted to close the crystal capture mode.

Only Carl and Dynamike could save this regime. With their abilities, they could find new places with crystals. They took pickaxes and boxes of dynamite and set to work. But they did not succeed. And then Dynamike offered to call his girlfriend Jacky. He said that she had a good jackhammer and she would help find the crystals. Carl agreed, but offered to keep it a secret so that no one would know.

In the morning Jacky was already in the arena in secret from everyone. She was met by Dynamike and escorted to the mine. There, the girl began to work with her jackhammer. The hammer made a very loud noise that was simply impossible to listen to. It was because of this sound that the characters in the arena woke up. This sound was not like the sound of dynamite, nor the sound of a pickaxe. The characters decided to go down to the cave and find out what was going on there. There, they saw that Carl and Dynamike were sitting in the middle of the mine and were not at all busy with work. Instead, some unfamiliar girl was engaged in this, which no one had ever seen before. Dynamike had to introduce Jacky to all the characters. He said that the girl helps to find crystals. Dynamike managed to escape condemnation. On the contrary, he received praise. Everyone was happy to meet a cute girl. And after a couple of hours of work, Jacky found new places with crystals. Thanks to her, the crystal capture mode was saved.

For such help, the organizers suggested Jacky stay in the arena.